Online chat
On-line chat is an extra service designed to help men and women exchange short messages in real time. To use On-line chat please first login to our site using your username and password. If you don’t have one, you can register on our site absolutely free. If you have forgotten your password, please click on the link "Forgot Password" located on this page.
Once logged in, you will see "Online Ladies" menu item on the left side under "Ladies Profiles" section of the menu. Click on "Online Ladies" button to see which ladies are currently logged on. You can start chat with any lady who is on-line by clicking "Start Chat Now" button. The lady will receive an invitation from you and a chat window will open for you. If the lady wants to chat wit you she will reply to your invitation. The chat is considered started when the lady replies to you.
You will also be getting messages from ladies who want to initiate a chat with you. If a lady invites you to chat, you will see a popup window showing who would like to chat with you. You can review lady's profile before starting chat with the lady. If you do not want to chat with a lady you simply close her initiating message. If you want to start chat you simply reply the message from the lady.
If a lady has a web-cam enabled you can view video stream of the lady in the real time; there will be a link "Video On" in the chat window.
How much it costs:
You are charged per each second of your on-line chat but not less than for 1 minute. For example, if your on-line chat lasted 30 seconds, you are charged for the full minute of chat. As soon as your chat started the program counts the time of the chat. The first minute of chat costs 0,10 POINTs, every further second costs 0,0016 POINTs. For example, your chat lasted 3 minutes and 19 seconds, it will cost you 0,32 POINTs. When you chat with a web-cam on, the cost of the chat is doubled. Please, note, that if you chat simultaneously with several girls, every chat is considered a separate chat and you pay separately for each chat. For example, if you chatted with lady ID:12345 and lady ID:54321 at the same time, and each chat lasted 5 minutes, you will be charged 0,5 POINTs for chat with lady ID:12345 and 0,5 POINTs with lady ID:54321, total 1 POINT.
Online chat F.A.Q.
To open the answer to the question click the question.
To hide the answer to the question click the question again.
Can I chat with a girl who doesn't speak English or my native language?
Use the service "Translate" in online chats. With this feature you can use your native language* to chat with a girl. All messages sent will be translated if you choose one of the options from the drop-down list:
"Auto" - translation to girl’s preferred language, automatically determined by the program (which may not be Russian), or
"Eng/Ru" - translation only into the Russian language.
Button "Translate" is activated if the chat with the girl has already begun; it translates the text you typed in the message block but has not sent yet. The text will be translated in a way you selected in drop-down menu.
* Languages from which translation is possible: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Greek, English, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian (Bokmål), Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (all Portuguese varieties mixed), Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish, Chinese.
What is needed for chatting on-line?
To successfully chat on-line you need to have the following settings in your browser:
a) your browser must accept cookies
b) your browser must accept cookies from other web-sites, or from the web-site
c) use JavaScript
Why when I send a message I can't see it has been sent?
noneThe possible problem is your browser is not set up to accept cookies from other web-sites. To set up this option you should go to settings of cookies and mark the box next to the option support cookies from other web-sites, or to add web-site to the exceptions so that your browser would accept cookies from this site. If you do not know how to find these settings, please, contact us with your problem, and do not forget to inform about the kind of browser and version you use (for example, Forefox 3.6.15, Internet Explorer 8, etc.).
How many POINTs should I have to start on-line chat?
noneYou should have at least 1 POINT to start chatting with one lady. If you have less than 1 POINT you will not be able to start chat.
When is the chat considered started?
noneThe chat starts (the program starts counting time and costs of the chat) when a girl replied your message (in case you invited a girl for chat), or you replied lady's message (when she is the one who invited you to chat). If you sent a message to the girl but she didn't reply, the chat is not considered as started.
How do I end chat?
noneTo finish chat if it has started (look through question "When is the chat considered started?") you should simply click a button "End chat with lady ID#"; the program than asks you whether you really want to end chat, if you click "Yes" the chat will end. Even if the girl continues writing to you it is not considered as continuation of the chat.
How much does it cost to chat on-line?
noneYou are charged per each second of your on-line chat but not less than for 1 minute. For example, if your on-line chat lasted 30 seconds, you are charged for the full minute of chat. As soon as your chat started the program counts the time of the chat. The first minute of chat costs 0,10 POINTs, every further second costs 0,0016 POINTs. For example, your chat lasted 3 minutes and 19 seconds, it will cost you 0,32 POINTs. When you chat with a web-cam on, the cost of the chat is doubled. Please, note, that if you chat simultaneously with several girls, every chat is considered a separate chat and you pay separately for each chat. For example, if you chatted with lady ID:12345 and lady ID:54321 at the same time, and each chat lasted 5 minutes, you will be charged 0,5 POINTs for chat with lady ID:12345 and 0,5 POINTs with lady ID:54321, total 1 POINT.
I didn't end chat and closed the window. What should I do?
noneIf you didn't click "End chat" and closed the window, the chat will end automatically. The time of the end of the chat in this case is the time of the last message sent to you by the girl.
If the girl stopped replying my messages and I am still on-line, and the chat window is open, do I pay for the whole time of the chat?
noneIf you were chatting on-line with the girl but she stopped replying to your messages, and didn't get back to you within 10 minutes, you will not be charged for the last 10 minutes of the chat. If the girl stopped answering you, you waited a little bit and then clicked "End chat" the chat is considered ended at the time you received the last message from the girl.
Why the girl with whom I correspond is never on-line?
noneIf you do not see the girl you write to on-line, it must mean that she uses a local agency to correspond with you, but not her personal account. If you want to chat with the girl, ask you about it in the letter. The local agency will create a personal account for the lady, and the lady will be able to communicate with you on-line, either using a computer at the office of an agency, or at Internet cage, or her personal computer if she has one.
How do I turn off the on-line chat pop-ups?
noneIf you do not want to see invitations from girls to chat which appear as pop-up windows, you can turn the pop-us off. For this you should go to "Account Settings" and check the box next to "Do not show online chat pop-ups".
How do I see girls who wanted to chat with me?
noneTo see who sent you chat invitations you should go to page "Missed Chats". There you will see the list of girls who sent you invitations to chat, but for some reasons you missed those invitations. You will also see the date when such invitations were sent to you by each girl; if the girl sent you invitations several times, the date of her last invitation will be shown.
How to block a definite lady from sending me chat invitations?
noneTo block a definite lady from sending you chat invitations just click "block" in the pop-up invitation from this lady. If you change your mind later and decide to chat with the "blocked" girl, you will be able to invite her to chat yourself.
Are there any restrictions for on-line chat?
noneDuring the online chat you can't exchange personal contact information such as postal address, direct phone number, emails, ID's for Internet instant message services such as ICQ, AIM, Jabber, MSN, IRC, Skype and the like, you can't exchange links to Internet web-sites. This information will be automatically deleted from the text of your chat. If you need to exchange personal contact information such as postal address and a phone number, please, send it in your letter to a lady. We also ask you not to use obscene words while you chat.
What is video chat?
noneVideo chat is video streaming from girl's web-cam which you can see while chatting with the girl.
How much does video chat cost?
noneOne second of video chat costs additional 0,0016 POINTs, that is you continue chatting with the girl for 0,0016 POINTs per second, and either you or she or both of you can watch the video streaming from the web-cam for additional 0,0016 POINTs per second. So, if you chat with one steaming of video (either from girl's web-cam or from your web-cam) it costs 0.0032 POINTs per secod; if both video-streams are turned on (you and the girl see each other) the cost of one second of chat is 0.0048 POINTs.
How many POINTs should I have on my account to be able to start video chat?
noneYou should have minimum 1 POINT on your account to turn on video streaming from the girl's web-camera. But first you should start chat communication with the girl.
What am I charged for during video chat?
noneYour account is charged for real video of the girl. If while being involved in video chat the girl leaves her place and you can't see her more than two minutes in a raw the time is not counted as video chat and your account is not charged. If you opened a video chat window and see the blue screen the time is not counted and your account is not charged.
Why Video Chat button is not active?
noneTo start watching video streaming from girl's web-camera you should start chatting with this girl.
Why do I see blue screen in video chat?
noneThe blue screen may appear for several reasons: if while being involved in video chat the girl leaves her place for a long time; if you opened more than one window of video chat for the same girl; if you do not have enough funds on your account.
Can I watch video streaming of several girls simultaneously?
noneYes, you can open as many video-chat windows as you want, but you should have active chats with all these girls.
Why does the video-streaming stop when the chat with the girl ends?
noneYou can watch video-streaming from the girl's web-camera only when you have active chat with the girl. When you end chat with the girl the video-streaming will stop within one minute even if you left the video chat window opened. Also, if you or the girl you are chatting with is not active during 10 minutes, the chat will end automatically, so will the video chat.
What should I do to turn on my web-cam?
noneTo let the girl to see video from your web-cam you should click "Allow" in the right upper corner in your chat window.
Why do I see a white background in the right upper corner?
If in the upper right corner you see white background instead of your video image it means:
- you do not have a web-camera, or it is not installed (or its drivers are not installed);
- your web-camera is used by another application; you should close the application that is using your web-camera and refresh the chat window.
Can a girl hear what I say?
noneNo, the sound is not transmitted. A girl can only see the video-streaming from your web-camera.
What are the additional costs for chat if I have my web-cam turned on?
noneWhen you add a video-streaming from your camera the additional cost is 0.0016 POINTs per second. You pay only if a girl watches your video.
When a girl can see a video from my web-camera?
noneA girl can turn your video on only if you are actively chatting with her. Girls with whom you do not have active chat can not see you.
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